A home for underprivileged children in Indonesia
Much more than just a house
I want to help
Our mission

Our goal is to give underprivileged children in Indonesia a future again.

Our mission is to give underprivileged children in Indonesia not a house, but a home. In our orphanage there is room for children who no longer have parents, but also whose parents can no longer care for them due to circumstances. We do not only want to give these children a house, but more than that: we want to give them a home.


Growing children need nutritious and varied meals every day
€250 Raised: €8,800 Goal:
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Total amount: €10

Build a future full of opportunity

Your support makes a difference for children


Building dreams together

Meet the children

How can you help?

Support our mission in your way: donate, sponsor or volunteer. Your efforts, big or small, change children's lives. Join us!

Make a difference: For less than €0.30 a day, you give a child a year of education and a future!

Become a sponsor

Every donation, big or small, opens new opportunities for children. Check out our projects and contribute!


Experience something unique: Stay at our hostel on Java and support our mission. Your stay contributes directly to the well-being of our children!

Become a volunteer, in the Netherlands or in Indonesia: Sign up and if you have ideas on how you can contribute as a volunteer, we would love to hear from you!

Sign up using the form on the contact page

Schooling project Malang

sponsor a child of your own

Schooling Project Malang
Be a Child

Sponsor a school year for less than €0.30 per day!

Since this year, Wees een Kind started the schooling project. The children in the schooling project live with their parents. However, the parents are so poor that they cannot pay for their child's school.

The Schooling Project seeks a sponsor for the child. The sponsor pays 100,- euro per year during elementary school and 135,- euro per year during junior high and senior high. We pay the schools directly and save to give the child who goes to senior high a laptop and save to let the child study further. We visit the children once a year to take a picture and see how the child and family are doing. Lina, our local contact person, keeps in touch with the families and schools throughout the year.

We keep the sponsor informed at least annually with a short report, photo, drawing or letter from the sponsored child on how the child is doing.

Success stories


From Malang to Jakarta, an inspiring story

Purnitasari, after graduating in Malang, she moved to Jakarta for a new job. There she continued her studies in business management at one of Indonesia's top universities. Now, instead of looking for jobs herself, she is actively approached with job offers.


Our proud sponsors





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